FieldCap The Company

100% Focused

Helping oilfield companies thrive is all we do. And we love it!

Grateful And Proud

We are very proud of our customers results and grateful for their loyalty.

In For The Long Haul

We've created a sustainable business built on lasting relationships.

Cool Facts About FieldCap

Get to know the people behind the software.

Family Owned & Operated

Our owners Brad & Tom Peterson were born and raised in Alberta. (Canada's Texas) They grew up in an entrepreneurial home and saw what happens when you bet on yourself, provide good, honest service and truly care about what you do.

Private & Bootstrapped

We are very proud that our success and growth has come without outside investment or debt. It gives us the freedom to make every decision based solely on the needs of our customers and employees. It's how we have kept our software simple and our customers so happy!

Easy-Going & Fun

We try not to take ourselves very seriously. That's us at the Global Petroleum Show in Calgary telling our story. And, if that's what we'll do to win your business, you can imagine what we will do to keep it!

We're A Team Of Oilfield Ticket Experts.

Our customer retention rate is over 97% and we're wicked proud of it!

We're 100% Focused On Oilfield Services.

Proudly serving customers of all shapes in Canada and U.S.A.
tara energy services
Scientific Drilling
Phoenix Technology Services
Summit Consulting Services

We Have Clear Values

Most software companies don’t think the way we do. We focus on what is right for the busy oilfield worker, not what will get silicon valley excited.
  • Keep It Simple – Always seek the simplest solution for the problem you are solving.
  • Make Things Better – Always ask if what you are doing will make things better for your customer.
  • Show You Care – Make sure your actions speak louder than your words and always go the extra mile.

We Celebrate Your Results

This is how important our reputation for services is. We actually hold back a portion of our set-up fee until you are happy enough to pose for one of our goofy photos.

We love these goofy photos because:

  • We know only happy people pose for goofy photos.
  • They tell new customers that our devotion to great service is real.
  • They hang in our office as a reminder that we work for great people.
  • They just feel good.

“The FieldCap support group is exceptional.
Their immediate attention and solution focused attitude has been paramount to our operation.”

Phil Lambert, President, True North Crane

FieldCap Oilfield Ticketing Simplified

Active In The Industry.

We appreciate what the energy industry has done for us, our families and our communities. So we are always proud to get out and represent and share our knowledge and experience.
  • Speaking Engagements
  • Entrepreneur Support Groups
  • Trade Shows & Events
  • Tech Forums

Grateful For The Support.

We've been very fortunate to learn from and be supported and featured by thought leaders in our community.


  • Selection For Telus Accelerator Program
  • Calgary Herald Feature Story
  • Global Petroleum Show Tech Showcase
  • PTAC Tech Showcase
Software Company Specializing in Oilfield Field Ticket Job Tracking

Did We Mention Simplicity?

We believe the best software uses the fewest number of features to bring the greatest value for its users.

As we built FieldCap oilfield workers told us:

  • They wanted features made specifically for their world
  • It must be simple & easy to use
  • It must be fast & accurate
  • It must work offline

Your Ticket. Your Way.

This is the BIG FieldCap brand promise. It means that every data entry field that you see on the job, ticket, time sheet or any other form - will get configured to match your existing forms.

You Keep Your…

  • Ticket Layout
  • Field Names & Lingo
  • Pricing & Calculations
  • Logo & Colors
  • And much more…


  • Seamless Transition
  • Less Disruption
  • Keep Whats Working
  • Familiarity
Oilfield field ticket software

Are your tickets unique or complicated?

Good News! That's exactly why we created our - Your Ticket Your Way - approach. Request a demo so we can show you why it has been such a game changer!

Get Game-Changing Results

Look what these oilfield service companies accomplished with their FieldCap.
We have an average annual growth rate of 185% over the last 4 years and have added over 250 employees. I literally don’t think we could have done it (in part ) without FieldCap
Backwoods Energy Services

Paul Poscente, Executive Chairman

Backwoods Energy Services

We now track and bill our jobs more efficiently and we have reduced our A/R time by 50%. At the end of the day it means cash comes in faster and we keep more of it.
Tara Energy Services

Scott Bissell, CEO

Tara Energy Services

FieldCap has allowed our company to streamline multiple major business functions, including operations, payroll, and revenue

Chad Macumber

Scientific Drilling

Our old process was manual and labor intensive, with lots of room for error, and we now how a more repeatable and automated system with FieldCap.

Travis Balaski, Vice President

Ferus Natural Gas Fuels

FieldCap has greatly helped to streamline our processes, both for the people who are entering their job information, as well as for the accounting personnel who are processing the information.
Mountain West Services

Erin Damiani

Mountain West Services

Learn how easily you can get similar results.

Request a short online demo and get pricing info today!
Get A Demo & Pricing

Simple. Proven. Loved.

Our story proves that when you focus on doing one thing really well, and treat people with kindness, the results will follow!

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Focused On Oilfield Services


Oilfield Tickets Processed

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Customer Retention!

See How FieldCap Works

In The Field   |   In The Office   |   For Management