Office Workers Love FieldCap Because

Everything Is In One Place

Jobs, tickets, forms, communication - it's all stored neatly together.

Everything Is Accurate

Tickets are always on time, accurate and signed by the customer. For real.

Everything Is Easier

Reviewing, approving, invoicing and reporting with a few mouse clicks.

Office Workers Favorite Features

These are the most popular FieldCap features in the office.
oilfield field ticket software

Central Job & Ticket Lists

All your tickets and forms in one place. Easy to sort by job, customer, status etc. No more email and paper hunting.

Easily search & sort by:

  • Customer name
  • Job name or #
  • Date created
  • Ticket status

Key Benefits:

  • Everything in one place
  • Organised by job and customer
  • Easy to look up and edit
  • See the status of tickets

Review & Approval Tools

Easy tools for reviewing and approving tickets and forms and keeping track of where things are at.

Main Benefits:

  • Saves time & effort
  • Improves billing time
  • Keeps things organized
  • Reduces errors
  • Reduces stress!

Who Loves It:

  • Office Admin Staff
  • Ticket Reviewers
  • A/R, Billing staff
  • Managers
  • Customers
oilfield field ticket software

Reports & Export Options

In FieldCap we can create the reports you need so all you have to do is click a button to get the data you need. Or you can simply export data to use in your own spreadsheets or reporting tools.


  • Major Time Savings
  • Increased Accuracy
  • Faster Processing
  • Faster Reporting


  • Payroll & Bonus Data
  • Utilization Reports
  • Equipment Status/Location
  • Outstanding Tickets

“FieldCap has greatly helped to streamline our accounting processes, both for the people who are entering their job information, as well as for the accounting personnel who are processing the information”

Field Ticket Sftware

Batch/Bulk Processing

Once tickets are reviewed FieldCap makes it easy to select them all for instant processing that works for you.


  • Major Time Savings
  • Increased Accuracy
  • Faster Processing
  • Faster Reporting

Master Tickets

Whether your customer wants to have every signed ticket included with their invoices, or prefers them consolidated into a single ticket, FieldCap makes it as easy as the click of a button.

Digital Stamps & Signatures

Stop chasing field staff and customers to sign things. With FieldCap they are automatically embedded into the tickets that come from the field.

Approval Methods:

  • Digital Signature
  • Digital Stamp (New)
  • Remote Approval (Email)
  • Print/Sign/Attach


  • All tickets come in signed
  • Revisions are tracked for reference
  • Fewer rejected invoices
  • Happier customers
Electronic Field ticketing

“Implementing FieldCap Software resulted in greater tracking, improved efficiency and reduced errors in our whole billing process, we would recommend the software!”

Joel Kish, Owner, Inspectrum Testing

oilfield field ticket software

Ticket Version Tracking

When you have to change the ticket and get it signed again, FieldCap keeps track of the changes and who approved them, keeping everyone honest!


  • Accurate records
  • Easy reference
  • Reduce invoice issues
  • Customer Appreciation

Tracking Includes:

  • PDF ticket copy
  • Embedded signatures
  • Date/Time Stamp
  • Approver Name

Your Ticket. Your Way.

This is the BIG FieldCap brand promise. It means that every data entry field that you see on the job, ticket, time sheet or any other form - will get configured to match your existing forms.

You Keep Your…

  • Ticket Layout
  • Field Names & Lingo
  • Pricing & Calculations
  • Logo & Colors
  • And much more…


  • Seamless Transition
  • Less Disruption
  • Keep Whats Working
  • Familiarity
Oilfield field ticket software
Field Ticket Software

Software Connections

To save you even more time we can connect your FieldCap to other things you use like accounting software.

Popular Connections:

  • Quickbooks
  • Sage/Simply
  • SAP
  • Microsoft


  • Faster Invoicing
  • Fewer Errors
  • Faster Reporting
  • Less Duplicate Entry

See All The Other Features

Request your private demo today and see all the other features and modules. Learn how you can pick and choose them so that your FieldCap fits you perfectly.

Your Demo Will Also Include:

  • Job Set-Up & Tracking
  • Price & Rate Sheets
  • Ticket-To-Invoice
  • Reporting Tolls
  • Other Back-Office Features
Software Company Specializing in Oilfield Field Ticket Job Tracking

Are Your Tickets Unique? Or Complicated? Or Both?

NO PROBLEM. That's why we created our unique ``Your Ticket Your Way`` approach. Request a demo so we can show you why it has been such a game changer!

Get Game-Changing Results

Look what these oilfield service companies accomplished with their FieldCap.
We have an average annual growth rate of 185% over the last 4 years and have added over 250 employees. I literally don’t think we could have done it (in part ) without FieldCap
Backwoods Energy Services

Paul Poscente, Executive Chairman

Backwoods Energy Services

We now track and bill our jobs more efficiently and we have reduced our A/R time by 50%. At the end of the day it means cash comes in faster and we keep more of it.
Tara Energy Services

Scott Bissell, CEO

Tara Energy Services

FieldCap has allowed our company to streamline multiple major business functions, including operations, payroll, and revenue

Chad Macumber

Scientific Drilling

Our old process was manual and labor intensive, with lots of room for error, and we now how a more repeatable and automated system with FieldCap.

Travis Balaski, Vice President

Ferus Natural Gas Fuels

FieldCap has greatly helped to streamline our processes, both for the people who are entering their job information, as well as for the accounting personnel who are processing the information.
Mountain West Services

Erin Damiani

Mountain West Services

Learn how easily you can get similar results.

Request a short online demo and get pricing info today!
Get Demo & Pricing

Simple. Proven. Loved.

Our story proves that when you focus on doing one thing really well, and treat people with kindness, the results will follow!

0 %

Focused On Oilfield Services


Tickets Created By Customers

0 %

Customer Retention!

See How It Works For:

Field Workers    |    Management