Imagine everyone's tickets and field forms in on time, signed and accurate.
From tickets & timesheets, to safety checklists or any other forms you have, FieldCap can automate and streamline them all.
Pricing & Demo1-Min Intro VideoNo more lost tickets, coding errors, frustrated staff or rejected invoices.
FieldCap makes it easy for your field workers to create tickets in the field, get them signed and submit them to the office in real time.

Your field staff will actually love it and...
You will get all your tickets in to the office in real time with no errors. And they will all be signed by the customer and ready to bill. And your invoices will all get paid faster.
1. Easily complete tickets & forms from any device. Even with no internet.
When we went to the field and asked workers what they care about, 3 things stood out:
- They want to use a system made for the oilfield
- They want it to be simple and easy to use
- They want it to work anywhere
So we made an important decision to make FieldCap a browser-based system so it does not care what device you use or require you to install or manage any separate apps. And… since it gets tailored to match your tickets and workflow, there is hardly any training required, if any.
We are very happy with Field Cap… it has reduced our error rate, increased our efficiency, and the guys in the field love it! Paul Poscente, Executive Chairman
2. Tickets, timesheets, JSA’s, work orders, checklists, logs, inspections...
We know that in the oilfield business field staff have more than just time and tickets to worry about. Their “paperwork” can be all kinds of things you need to run your business safely and profitably. Getting them all in accurately and keeping them neatly stored for reporting and analytics. It’s a serious game-changer.
I highly recommend FieldCap’s solution for paperwork automation and to help bridge the gap between field operations and offices. Chad Macumber, Scientific Drilling
3. Submit tickets by day, week, month, job or any other way.
We know that in the oilfield business not all your jobs and customers have the same requirements and if you don’t get it right someone else will. So we made sure you could ticket and bill when and how you need to:
- Ticket by day, week month or job end
- Have line items or packages on your tickets
- Capture data on tickets that the customer does not see
- So many other options
FieldCap has streamlined our field ticketing process and has enabled us to effectively manage the administrative burden of tracking our field activity. Jonathan Scheiner, Solaris Oilfield Infrastructure
4. Have tickets made by individuals or by supervisiors of crews.
Whether you want each working making tickets and entering his time, or you prefer supervisors do it FieldCap makes it radically simple. When they are selecting items from drop-down menu’s and checking boxes instead of typing or writing, errors go down, speed goes up and you get everyone doing things the same way!
We have seen dramatic improvement in our returns and the benefits related to the capture of billable/non-billable time accrued to client projects through the integration of FieldCap. Joel Block, Manager, SWAT Consulting
5. Give the company man multiple ways to approve your work.
Whether you like it or not, your field paperwork is part of your brand. If your processes are seen as old or slow or frustrating to work with – that’s that impression you leave. FieldCap ensures that your team in the field presents fast, professional solutions that help your customers do their jobs better.
- Sign tickets electronically
- Digital stamps (New!)
- Send for remote email approval
- Attach signed print versions
The feedback from our clients has been positive, and they appreciate how simple the process has become to approve work that is completed. Erin Damiani, Mountain West Services
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The MAJOR FieldCap difference is...
When you buy FieldCap you get YOUR VERY OWN INSTANCE. That's geek speak but it means that every data entry field that you see on the job, ticket, timesheet or any other form - will get configured to match your existing forms and processes OR the ideal state you are after.
Customer Testimonials
We worked hard to understand the unique needs of oilfield service companies and built tools that reflect them. So these kind words from customers mean the world!

Erin Damiani
Mountain West Services

Paul Poscente, Executive Chairman
Backwoods Energy Services

Scott Bissell, CEO
Tara Energy Services

Chad Macumber
Scientific Drilling

Travis Balaski, Vice President
Ferus Natural Gas Fuels