We learned what reports matter to oilfield companies and baked them right in.

Between our built-in reports and unlimited custom options you get the answers you need with just a few mouse clicks.

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Never wonder what’s happening again.

With just a few clicks you can automatically generate real-time reports that you can use for meetings or to quickly respond to customers requests.
inventory software

Automate your favorite reports.

Do you have reports that are unique to your business? No problem. We can create unlimited custom reports so you can run them with the click of a button.

1. See how much revenue is outstanding in tickets that are awaiting approval.

Instead of messy month-end accruals or guess work you can easily see at any time where your revenue is at in your workflow just by running a report.

The FieldCap team is very customer friendly and amenable to customizations and integrations to fit a company’s specific needs. Jonathan Scheiner, Solaris Oilfield Infrastructure

2. Run cost and revenue reports by customer, job, department, location, etc.

With FieldCap it is easy to see what jobs, customers, people and equipment are generating revenues and profits. Utilization data lets you plan and deploy resources more efficiently.

We discovered that implementing FieldCap Software resulted in greater tracking, improved efficiency and reduced errors in our whole billing process, we would recommend the software! Joel Kish, Owner, Inspectrum Testing

3. View and report employee days worked, hours, OT, ST, Per Diem and more.

Between the payroll reporting tools and the labor report tools you can easily see a breakdown of resources by individual, crew, job etc. It makes it easy to know who’s worked what and where and get the most out of expensive resources.

We have seen dramatic improvement in our returns and the benefits related to the capture of billable/non-billable time accrued to client projects through the integration of FieldCap. Joel Block, Manager, SWAT Consulting

4. View revenues generated by pieces of equipment by cutomer, job etc.

Equipment is expensive and when it is idle is nothing but overhead. FieldCap makes it easy to know what pieces are hitting the bottom line.

It has greatly improved our ability to track equipment & people in the field. Leah Sells, Accounting & Administration Manager

5. View all your jobs in one place and in real time.

When you are busy and have lots of jobs on the go that is when FieldCap really shines. No more phone calls and hunting through emails to see where your jobs are at. Easily sort by status, date, customer etc. and then get access to all the tickets and forms right there. All in real-time.

Having real-time visibility of all field activities, from anywhere at anytime has made a huge difference to our business. Stephen Baird, Global IT Director Phoenix Energy Services

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The MAJOR FieldCap difference is...

When you buy FieldCap you get YOUR VERY OWN INSTANCE. That's geek speak but it means that every data entry field that you see on the job, ticket, timesheet or any other form - will get configured to match your existing forms and processes OR the ideal state you are after.

Customer Testimonials

We worked hard to understand the unique needs of oilfield service companies and built tools that reflect them. So these kind words from customers mean the world!.
FieldCap has greatly helped to streamline our processes, both for the people who are entering their job information, as well as for the accounting personnel who are processing the information.
Mountain West Services

Erin Damiani

Mountain West Services

We are very happy with FieldCap. It has reduced our error rate, increased our efficiency, and the guys in the field love it!
Backwoods Energy Services

Paul Poscente, Executive Chairman

Backwoods Energy Services

We now track and bill our jobs more efficiently and we have reduced our A/R time by 50%. At the end of the day it means cash comes in faster and we keep more of it.
Tara Energy Services

Scott Bissell, CEO

Tara Energy Services

FieldCap has allowed our company to streamline multiple major business functions, including operations, payroll, and revenue

Chad Macumber

Scientific Drilling

Our old process was manual and labor intensive, with lots of room for error, and we now how a more repeatable and automated system with FieldCap.

Travis Balaski, Vice President

Ferus Natural Gas Fuels

Simple. Proven. Loved.

Our numbers tell a great story about focus, results and delivering killer customer service.

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Focused On Oilfield Services


Tickets Created By Customers

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Customer Retention

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Thousands of oilfield workers use these simple features to get work done faster and more accurately. See them in action...
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Field Workers  |  Office Staff  |  Management